Migrate Your Create-React-App to Vite Easily!

Migrate Your Create-React-App to Vite Easily!

How to Migrate CRA app to Vite


4 min read

Recently I have migrated some of my existing React projects to Vite, and the results are shocking. The development process has been drastically faster for quick build time.

In this article, I will discuss why to switch to Vite and how quickly you can achieve this.

Why Vite?

Though, no such drawbacks to using Create React App, you can achieve a significantly faster development cycle using Vite. Here are some of the reasons for that:

  • Vite uses ESmodules in the browser to load your code instantly, no matter how large that is.

  • Vite uses Hot Module Replacement (HMR) for a faster feedback loop during development.

  • While using production build, Vite uses Rollup. Rollup has better tree shaking than Webpack, which can eliminate unused code more effectively and reduce the bundle size.

Well, Seems Interesting...! But How to Migrate?

1. First, Install two dependencies:

npm install --save-dev vite @vitejs/plugin-react vite-plugin-svgr

And then remove react-scripts from your project:

npm uninstall react-scripts

Replace react-scripts with vite on package.json

Now Move your index.html file which was in your public folder to the root of your project

2. Replace Existing Scripts in package.json

"scripts": {
    "start": "vite",
    "build": "vite build",
    "preview": "vite preview"

3. Now, In your index.html remove all the %PUBLIC_URL%.

Remove %PUBLIC_URL% from links in index.html

// Before
<link rel="icon" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/favicon.ico" />
// After removing %PUBLIC_URL%
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />

4. Now add an entry point to your index.html file:

<!-- entry point ๐Ÿ‘‡ -->
<script type="module" src="/src/index.tsx"></script>

5. Now, add a vite.config.ts or vite.config.js to the root of your project

you will need vite-plugin-svgr if you're using svg in your projects. Otherwise vite will throw an error.

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
import svgrPlugin from 'vite-plugin-svgr';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react(), svgrPlugin( { icon: true } )],

6. Create a vite.env.d.ts to your src directory

If you use TypeScript then add:

/// <reference types="vite/client" />

Now to use SVG, also add this to vite.env.d.ts

/// <referencetypes="vite-plugin-svgr/client" />

7. Handling Environment Variables

Now in your project, you may have variables that start with REACT_APP_ but on Vite, those are needed to be replaced with VITE_:

Replace REACT_NAME_ with VITE_ in all your environment variables

But doing this may be time-consuming, To overcome that you need to install vite-plugin-env-compatible

npm i vite-plugin-env-compatible

now in your vite.config.ts file:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
import svgrPlugin from 'vite-plugin-svgr';
import envCompatible from 'vite-plugin-env-compatible';

export default defineConfig({
  envPrefix: 'REACT_APP_',

  plugins: [react(), envCompatible(),svgrPlugin( { icon: true } )],

Now you don't need to change variable prefixes. But in react we import those variables as process.env.VARIABLE_NAME but in Vite, you need to replace those as import.meta.env.VARIABLE_NAME

replace process.env with import.meta.env

8. Edit TSconfig.json

Things you need to update in tsconfig.json are types. For example:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "types": ["vite/client", "vite-plugin-svgr/client"],

9. TypeScript Path Aliases

For the path aliases to work in your project you need to install vite-tsconfig-paths :

npm i vite-tsconfig-paths

Then on your vite.config.ts :

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
import svgrPlugin from 'vite-plugin-svgr';
import envCompatible from 'vite-plugin-env-compatible';
import tsconfigPaths from 'vite-tsconfig-paths';

export default defineConfig({
  envPrefix: 'REACT_APP_',

  plugins: [react(), envCompatible(), tsconfigPaths(), svgrPlugin( { icon: true } )],

Additional Steps:

1. Change Build Output folder:

By default, Vite generates a dist/ folder for generated build files. However, you can change that folder name

on your vite.config.ts file:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
import svgrPlugin from 'vite-plugin-svgr';
import envCompatible from 'vite-plugin-env-compatible';
import tsconfigPaths from 'vite-tsconfig-paths';

export default defineConfig({
  envPrefix: 'REACT_APP_',

  plugins: [react(), envCompatible(), tsconfigPaths(), svgrPlugin( { icon: true } )],
  // add this ๐Ÿ‘‡
  build: {
      outDir: "build",

2. Change the server port

on your vite.config.ts file:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
import svgrPlugin from 'vite-plugin-svgr';
import envCompatible from 'vite-plugin-env-compatible';
import tsconfigPaths from 'vite-tsconfig-paths';

export default defineConfig({
  envPrefix: 'REACT_APP_',

  plugins: [react(), envCompatible(), tsconfigPaths(), svgrPlugin( { icon: true } )],
  build: {
      outDir: "build",
  // add this ๐Ÿ‘‡
  server: {
      port: 4000,
      open: true, // this will open directly to your browser

And... You're Done!!

Final Thoughts

Migrating from Create-React-App was pretty simple. After implementing this the development experience has been great and fast! If you find this article helpful consider dropping a like and comment down to share your thoughts!
