Getting Started with React Native (Windows)
Setup Development Environment for React Native in Windows using React Native CLI
Table of contents
Setup Development Environment for React Native in Windows using React Native CLI
React Native Cli Quick Start
Install Chocolatey on windows:
It is recommended by react native docs to use Chocolatey to install node.js and java runtime to your Windows system.
If you don't have Chocolatey installed, you can head over to the Chocolatey install page or follow the steps below:
Open up a Powershell window as administrator and type:
It should return Unrestricted. If not, type the following command
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
and press y to yes.
Then paste the following command to install Chocolatey
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
If there's no error, you can type and check if Chocolatey has been properly installed or not
choco -v
Install Node, JDK, and Android Studio
Install Node and Jdk
Now, after installing Chocolatey, you can easily install Node and JDK to your system by using the following command:
choco install -y nodejs-lts microsoft-openjdk11
Install Android Studio
Head over to the Android Studio page and download the latest stable version.
After that, install Android Studio by clicking next and make sure all the checkboxes are selected (e.g.. Android SDK
, Android SDK platform
After successful installation, proceed with the following steps:
Install Required SDKs:
Open Android Studio and click on the More Actions button, then press
SDK Manager
Then check the required SDKs
Android 13 (Tiramisu)
Android API 34
This will install the required packages
After that, head over to the SDK tools tab and check the required tools and download them:
Android SDK Build tools 34
Android SDK command line tools
Android Emulator
Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver
Android SDK platform tools
Google Play Licensing Library
Intel x86 emulator accelerator (HAXM installer)
Add Environment Variable
Open your start and search for the following app: Edit the system environment variables
Then click on the environment variables button
On the screen, add a new environment variable by clicking on "New".
Give the variable name ANDROID_HOME and set the value as C:\Users\<USER_NAME>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
Place the user name as appropriate to your system
Now on the User Variable section again add a few variable values under the "path" variable
Now on the system variable section, check if paths are added for JDK or not
If not, add an environment variable JAVA_HOME and enter the value as C:\Program Files\Microsoft\jdk-\
Also, check if under system variables, inside the path variable, these URLs are added or not
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\jdk-\bin
C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin
Create Your First React Native Project
Create New Application
Enter the Following Command to create your first project
npx react-native@latest init MyFirstReactNativeProject
After that, you can start your project by npm run android
While running the app you can face some errors. First Check inside your project directory find the android folder and inside that check if there's a file named
available or not. if not create a file on the same name and add the below code.
sdk.dir = C:\\Users\\<USER_NAME>\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\Sdk
Add the appropriate system username there and save and run the npm run android
Connect with your physical device
To test your code, you can use Android Studio or your physical device. Here I will show you how to connect to your device and debug the code.
Device Settings
Open your device settings and head over to the developer setting. If you don't have that, search your build number and click It five times consecutively, that should unlock it.
After that, on developer options, enable USB Debugging and Install Via USB option.
Make sure your device is connected to your computer through USB
Now open Powershell as administrator
on Powershell type command:
adb devices
After that, a list of devices should pop up. Identify your device and copy the device ID.
Then press the following command:
adb -s <DEVICE_ID> reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
After that, your device should be accessible and the app can be downloaded via USB debugging.
On your Project, run npm run android
and your React native app should be running.
Setting up your project through React native CLI can be tough at first, but it's worth it.
Here is the list of resources you can follow